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Middle Section

Middle Section

“Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.” — Walt Disney
Treating each of our students as unique individuals with their own experiences, perspectives and insights; we help them build confidence to face challenges, all the while teaching them values and life skills.

Words from Middle coordinator

Life is about accepting the challenges along the way, choosing to keep moving forward and savouring the journey.’
The middle and senior school curriculum at St. Patrick’s Academy, Meerut aims to prepare the students for the challenges of time ahead. The academic curriculum helps the students to acquire knowledge and understanding of how things function in the world around them and prepares them to participate in the society. English being the primary medium of education, strong emphasis is laid on verbal and written expression not only through the curriculum but also through a wide range of co- scholastic activities throughout the year. Integrating the academics with virtues of life, we strongly instil the value of our motto — For God and Country, by encouraging the students to grow into law abiding citizens of the country.

Middle Curriculum

The curriculum for the Upper Primary Stage and the Secondary stage covers English, Hindi, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History & Civics, Geography and Computer Studies. Being the medium of instruction, the focus of the English language learning at this stage is on oral and written expression, in a creative manner, to develop a sense of appreciation and critical vision for different forms of literature among children. The emphasis of Second Language learning is to hone the skills and develop an interest in the Hindi language and literature. The focus of Mathematics is to consolidate and expand the learning through problem solving techniques.
Science branches out into Physics, Chemistry and Biology, so as to acquire knowledge in the specific areas of these subjects, to be able to apply the knowledge, to develop skills of handling apparatus, finding relevance of their knowledge in their living environment. In Social Studies, two core areas, History, Civics and Geography have been identified. Computer Studies curriculum focuses on acquisition of knowledge and skills in ICT so as to enable students to use common software applications and technology to access and utilise information.

Subjects taught in Class VI to VIII

  • English Language
  • English Literature
  • II Language (Hindi)
  • Sanskrit (till class VIII)
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • History/Civics
  • Geography
  • Computer Applications
  • SUPW/Art & Craft